5 Winter Skin Care Tips You Don't Want to Miss!
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5 Winter Skin Care Tips You Don't Want to Miss!

Welcome, winter-you have been missed! The first day of Winter conjures up images of a roaring fireplace, comfy knitted throw blankets, warm mugs of herbal tea and time well spent with family and friends. At House of Hilt, we encourage you to take advantage of this cozy season and indulge your skin and body in comforting, hydrating bliss! Here are a few remedies for the most common winter skin woes.

Tip 1: Nutrients that nourish from the inside out:

Consider increasing your healthy fats and antioxidants which keep our skin looking radiant. Seasonal items such as nuts and cranberries provide both and make a quick, delicious snack during the busy holiday season. Encourage more water intake by infusing your water and (decaf - caffeine can be dehydrating!) teas with fresh fruit and herbs. Orange and basil make a refreshing combination! As you know, illnesses abound during the colder winter months, so be sure to maintain your supplement regimen to keep your immune system strong.


Tip 2: Reviving dull, lackluster skin

Give your neck, chest and face a warm hug with our Chili Cherry Plum Peel. Dull skin is a thing of the past with this blend of acids and enzymes. Cayenne extract stimulates and oxygenates the most lackluster skin, revealing a more radiant you. Apply a grape-sized amount evenly to your skin; a lively warming sensation and pinky-redness is to be expected. Allow the gentle heat to bring nutrient-rich blood flow to the surface of the skin for a radiant glow!

Cherry Plum Peel


Tip 3: Keep your skin hydrated while you sleep.

Our skin is very vulnerable at night because it’s at its driest. Combat this by sleeping with a humidifier on. This will infuse moisture into the air and keep your skin comfortable all night long. Go one step further by switching your cotton pillowcase to satin. Cotton is moisture-wicking whereas satin glides against the skin and will keep moisture in the skin for longer.


Tip 4: Hydrate while you cleanse your skin.

Cleansing is the most important part of your skincare regimen-it sets the stage for every other product you use. Start your regimen optimally by using a moisturizing cleanser! Our Carrot Citrus Cleanser is a sulfate-free, non-foaming cleanser. It’s plush, comforting and leaves the skin velvety soft and hydrated. Plus, the aroma is uplifting and cozy. Your skin will thank you!

Carrot Citrus Cleanser


Tip 5: Protect your skin during your commute:

Stepping into a chilly car usually means one thing-turning the heat on. A blast of warm air on your face may feel nice for awhile but will really dry your skin out. We recommend positioning your vents away from your face and keeping the heat on your feet! Don’t forget your sunblock and utilizing your visors to block as much sunlight away from your face. There are plug-in humidifiers for cars now, so you may consider this as well.


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